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What is Suspension therapy | therapeutic effect of suspension therapy | types | physiogk

Writer's picture: PhysiogkPhysiogk

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Hi, welcome to all of physio's helping hand (physiogk) family in my new blog post that is about suspension therapy.


In this blog, firstly we will know about ST, after that we will discuss which type of question is asked in the exercise therapy final exam and how to answer that question.

When you will complete it, I have prepared one quiz for you to evaluate yourself.

If you have no idea about books and syllabus of 1st years physiotherapy, you may read our blog 1st YEARS PHYSIOTHERAPY SYLLABUS AND BOOKS.


What is suspension therapy? or define suspension therapy

Suspension therapy is defined as suspending a body part or whole body with the use of ropes, pulley and sling to allow friction-less movement to increase ROM, muscle power and to support body part.

Principle of suspension therapy | It works under the principle of

1. Friction

2. Pendulum

3. Gravity eliminating


It occurs when a particular surface moves on another. In the suspension be will use the surfaces that are more smooth and slippery so has less friction causes the smooth and easy movement


In Pendulum heavy material is suspended by the weightless thread if the threat is applied on the pendulum result in to and fro movement. one complete swing is called oscillation.

During the oscillation, the arc of movement of the pendulum forms a segment of a base of the cone. The oscillation will continue until the force comes down. The oscillation distance comes down step by step by the resistance of the air and friction.

A simple muscle contraction is necessary to initiate the oscillation. Some mechanism is used for suspension therapy to maintain the muscles property increase the range of movement and strengthening the muscles

3.Eliminating gravity movement-

If the person has the muscles power grade 2, can go for suspension exercise. If the muscle power is less than 2, It is difficult to perform the suspension therapy exercise by the patient himself. So, the patient should have minimal muscle contraction power of 2 to undergo suspension therapy exercises.

If the muscles power is above three, the patients can go for the gravity exercise instead of suspension therapy.


1. It reduces the burden for the therapist.

2. Easy to lift the limbs.

3. Active movement can be performed easily with minimum friction


  1. Quite Complex to use

  2. Many types of equipment required

  3. Costly equipment

  4. Required more place due to its large size

Equipment required for suspension therapy


1. Suspension frame

2. Supporting ropes

3. Pulleys

4. Slings

slings in suspension therapy instrument
a.single sling , b.double sling , c.head sling, d&e. three-ring sling

a. Single sling

b. Double sling

c. Head sling.

d. Three-ring sling

5. S-hook and dog clips

clips and s-hook of suspension therapy equipment
Dog clip , karabiner clip

6. Wooden cleat

Type of suspension therapy

1.Axial suspension

2.Vertical suspension

3.Pendular suspension

1.Axial suspension-

The axis of suspension is fixed just above the axis movie joint with the use of the rope and clip and hook.

The body part moves parallel to the floor.

Uses Of Axial Suspension

  1. Relaxation

  2. Maintain muscular properties

  3. Increase the blood circulation

  4. Increase the venous and lymphatic drainage

2.Vertical suspension -

The center of gravity of the body part or the body is taken as the point of suspension.

In general, the center of gravity of a moving leave is found at the junction of the upper 1/3rd and lower 2/3rd.

Uses Of Vertical Suspension:-

To support the body part

To reduce the pressure sore

3. Pendular suspension-

The axis of the joint is taken as the point of suspension then depend on the strengthening of the muscles group the axis is changing the medial or lateral e anterior or posterior, The muscles will be getting resistance wire movement if the axis shifted opposite to the movement


To extend the muscles

To increase the muscles power

To increase the endurance

Which type of questions comes in the exam from suspension therapy/ Exam questions of suspension therapy

In the exam, both long type and short types of questions come, these questions are


The answer to the 3 and 5 questions are the same, but in the 3rd question, you have to explain all use of suspension therapy and in the 5th only enlist the uses not needs to explain.

For question nos. 6 and 7, we can make general points for writing the answer, which is-

  1. Write muscles name which helps in that movement

  2. Position of patient

  3. Position of therapist

  4. Point of suspension

  5. Need an accessory for suspension

  6. Treatment procedure

When This type of question comes in MMT, suspension therapy, or any other topics then we should make a general point and write accordingly.

For shoulder joint suspension therapy

  1. Muscles name

  • Flexion- Anterior deltoid, pectoralis major and coracobrachialis

  • Extension- Latissimus dorsi, teres major and minor and posterior deltoid muscles.

  1. Position of patient- Side-lying.

  2. Position of therapist-

  3. Point of suspension- Greater tuberosity

  4. Accessories needed-

    1. S-hooks—3 nos

    2. Three-ring sling—1 no.

    3. Single sling—1 no.

    4. Supporting rope with wooden cleat—2 nos.

  5. Procedure-

    • Greater tuberosity is taken as the suspension point by Click supporting rope. Which is connected by the s-hook with the mesh.

    • Secondary supporting rope attached in the same s-hook.

    • Three-ring sling is used to support the wrist.

    • A single sling is used to support the elbow.

    • The primary supporting rope is attached with the wrist sling.

    • Secondary supporting rope is attached with the elbow sling.

    • Patient is instructed to perform the flexion and extension movement of the shoulder.

    • For strengthening the flexor posterior shifting of the axis is carried out vice versa for extensor strengthening.

For hip joint suspension therapy

  1. Muscles name

  • Abductor- Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

  • Adductor- Adductor longus adductor Magnus and adductor brevis

2. Position of patient- supine lying with opposite hip abducting to its maximum limit.

3. Position of therapist- standing on the tested side. 4. Point of suspension- 2 inches below the A S I S

5. Accessories needed-

  • S-hooks—3

  • Three-ring sling—1

  • Single sling—1

  • Supporting-rope with wooden cleat—2

6. Procedure-

  • Two inches below the ASIS is taken as the suspension point by primary supporting rope, which is connected by the s-hook with the mesh.

  • Secondary supporting rope attached with the same s-hook.

  • Three-ring sling is used to support the foot and ankle.

  • Single sling is used to support the knee.

  • The primary supporting rope is attached with the ankle sling.

  • Secondary supporting rope is attached with the knee sling.

  • Patient is instructed to perform the abduction and adduction movement of the hip.

  • For strengthening the abductor medial shifting of the axis is carried out vice versa for adductor strengthening.

You can read it well from Laxmi Narayan Book and take the help of your class notes and this blog is enough for this topic.

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