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Orthopedics mcqs for MPT entrance

Welcome to the world of orthopedic multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for physiotherapy. This is 2nd blog post of the orthopedic physiotherapy mcqs series. You can join our social media or subscribe to our blog post to get regular updates.

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MCQs for MPT entrance exam

This set of Orthopedic MCQs with answers is designed to help you test and improve your knowledge of orthopedic physiotherapy.

As a physiotherapist, understanding the musculoskeletal system and its disorders is essential in helping patients recover from injuries, surgeries, and chronic conditions.

These MCQs cover a wide range of topics related to orthopedic physiotherapy, including

  • Anatomy

  • Biomechanics

  • Pathophysiology

  • Clinical examination

  • Treatment interventions. Let's get started!

By practicing these questions, you can enhance your understanding of the subject and prepare yourself for professional exams or clinical practice. Join our telegram channel for daily MCQs and answer explanations.

We will release descriptive answer of these question soon so get update subscribe our blog post or join our social media handle. 

1. Bennett's fracture is fracture dislocation of base of ......metacarpal:

a) 4th

b) 3rd

c) 2nd

d) 1st.


2. Mallet finger is

a) Avulsion fracture of extensor tendon of distal phalanx

b) Fracture of distal phalanx

c) Fracture of middle phalanx

d) Fracture of proximal phalanx


3. The commonest dislocation of the hip is

a) Posterior.

b) Anterior.

c) Central.

d) None.


4. The following is true in the treatment of posterior dislocation:

a) Closed reduction under anesthesia.

b) Open reduction.

c) Skeletal traction.

d) Soft tissue


5. In the case of a 65-year-old person with a fractured neck of the femur the treatment of choice is

a) Closed reduction.

b) Closed reduction with internal fixation.

c) Open reduction.

d) Replacement of head and neck of the femur with a prosthesis.


6. Garden's classification is applicable to

a) Intertrochanteric fracture

b) Fracture neck of the femur

c) Epiphyseal separation

d) Posterior dislocation of hip


7. A 65-year-old lady falls from height. On examination, the leg is extended and externally rotated. Diagnosis is

a) Fracture of acetabulum

b) Intertrochanteric fracture

c) Neck femur fracture

d) Posterior dislocation of hip


8. Cotton's fracture is

a) Avulsion fracture of C,

b) Trimalleolar

c) Bimalleolar

d) Burst fracture of atlas

e) None of these


9. Fracture involving both malleoli is

a) Cotton's fracture

b) Potts's fracture

c) Pirogoff's fracture

d) Dupuytren's fracture.


10. Jefferson fracture occurs at

a) C1.

b) C2.

c) C1, C2.

d) C2, C3.



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11. In spinal cord injury, the patient should be transferred with pad and bandage in the following position:

a) Supine

b) Prone

c) Lateral

d) Semi prone


12. Cause of atonic bladder is

a) Injury to sacral plexus

b) Injury to upper thoracic cord

c) Pregnancy

d) UTI


13. Regarding whiplash injury, a true statement includes

a. Contusion of the spinal cord and fracture of vertebra

b. Fracture of vertebral body

c. Spinal cord injury without vertebral fracture

d. Vertebral fracture without spinal cord injury


14. The commonest cause of spinal cord injuries in our country is:

a. Road traffic accident

b. Fall from a height

c. Fall into well

d. House collapse.


15. Best diagnostic procedure for ant. cruciate ligament injury is

a. Lachman's test

b. Pivot shift test

c. Anterior drawer test

d. McMurray's test


16. Lachman test is positive in

a. Anterior cruciate ligament injury

b. Posterior Cruciate ligament injury

c. Medial meniscus injury

d. Lateral meniscus injury.


17. The most common sites for ligamentous injuries are those of the

a. Shoulder joint

b. Elbow

c. Knee joint

d. Ankle joint


18. Dislocation of which one of the following carpal bones can present as median nerve palsy?

a. Scaphoid.

b. Hamate.

c. Lunate.

d. Trapezium


19. Cock up splint is used in the management of

a. Ulnar nerve palsy.

b. Brachial plexus palsy.

c. Radial nerve palsy

d. Combined ulnar & Median nerve palsy


20. Injury of median nerve at wrist is best detected by

a. The action of abductor pollicis brevis.

b. Action of flexor pollicis brevis

c. Loss of sensation of radial half of palm

d. Loss of sensation of tip of ring finger


21. External fixation is used for ____.

a. Fracture with severe soft tissue injury involving skin and blood vessels

b. unstable fracture

c. pathological fracture

d. multiple fractures


22. At rest scapula makes an angle of about ______________ with the frontal plane.

a. 15 degrees

b. 30 degrees

c. 45 degrees

d. 60 degrees


23. Root of spine of scapula corresponds to _______________

a. T2.

b. T3

c. T5

d. T7


24. Physiotherapy for thoracic outlet syndrome includes___.

a. Stretching of Scalenei, levator scapulae and pectorals to relieve pressure

b. Strengthening of trapezius and serratus anterior to correct posture

c. Modalities like US, moist heat to relive spasm and TENS, IFT to relieve pain

d. All of the above


25. The carpal tunnel dimension increases with ___________

a. wrist flexion

b. Neutral

c. Extension

d. None


26. Swan neck deformity is due to ___________

a. contracture of extensor digitorum communis

b. intrinsic tightness

c. contracture of FDP

d. rupture/laxity of volar plate.


27. In case of LLD _________________ side bears more load

a. shorter

b. longer

c. both sides bear equal load

d. None


28. In case of MCL injury strengthening of _____________ should be given

a. pes anserinus and semi membranous

b. hamstrings

c. hip adductors

d. Quadriceps


29. Meniscus injury occurs due to ___________

a. valgus injury

b. varus injury

c. dashboard injury

d. rotatory dysfunction


30. Protrusion with complete rupture of the annulus allowing the nucleus to bulge into the neural canal is referred as ____.

a. herniation

b. extrusion

c. sequestration

d. non-contained disc



Best book for preparation for the MPT entrance exam 


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