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50+ Biomechanics MCQs for Entrance Exam Part-1

Writer: PhysiogkPhysiogk

Updated: Jan 16

Hello, welcome to all members of my physio's helping hand family. This is the 8th post in a series of MCQs and quizzes for the MPT entrance exam, and the 1st post featuring 50+ Biomechanics MCQs for Entrance Exam Part-1.

50+ Biomechanics MCQs for MPT Entrance Exam" by Physio's Helping Hand,

We are releasing a series of MCQ questions and answers for Physiotherapy, and this is the first post in that series featuring 50 MCQs in biomechanics with detailed explanations. We will continue to publish posts on various topics in the future. Therefore, please subscribe to Physio's Helping Hand ( or join our Telegram channel for regular updates.

We will release descriptive answer of these question soon so get update subscribe our blog post or join our social media handle. 

Attempt all MCQ questions carefully

  1. Which of the following are alternate names for the hip joint?

A) Femoroacetabular

B) Coxofemoral

C) Capitofemoral

D) Options 1 and 2


  1. What portion of the acetabulum is formed by Ischium?

A) 2/5th

B) 1/5th

C) 3/4th

D) none of the above


  1. Name the ligament that spans the gap between the acetabular notch:

A) Ligamentum teres

B) Transverse acetabular ligament

C) Y-ligament

D) Pubofemoral ligament


  1. Which of the following is not a correct statement regarding ligamentum teres?

A) Ligamentum teres is also known as the ligament of the head of the femur

B) Ligamentum teres is intrasynovial

C) Ligamentum teres is also known as the round ligament

D) Ligamentum teres is intracapsular


  1. Name the ligament also known as the Y ligament of Bigelow.

A) Illiofemoral

B) Tranverse acetabular ligament

C) Pubofemoral

D) Ischiofemoral


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  1. Which of the following is not the capsular ligament of the hip joint?

A) Iliofemoral

B) Ischiofemoral

C) Pubofemoral

D) Round ligament


  1. Identify the correct statement regarding the orientation of the femoral head.

A) head faces medially, superiorly, and anteriorly

B) head faces medially, superiorly, and posteriorly

C) head faces laterally, superiorly, and inferiorly

D) None of the above


  1. What is the normal value of angle of inclination of the femur?

A) approx. 125 degree

B) approx. 122 degree

C) approx. 128 degree

D) approx. 132 degree


  1. Which of the following is incorrect with regard to the angle of inclination?

A) Can vary between 110-144 degrees

B) Smaller in females than men

C) Angle is the same between side to side of an individual

D) Angle changes from birth to skeletal maturity.


  1. Angle of inclination at birth is approximately?

A) 120 degree

B) 144 degree

C) 150 degree

D) 125 degree



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  1. Which of the following statements is true regarding the hip joint capsule?

A) It contributes substantially to joint stability.

B) It has 3 capsular ligaments.

C) It's weak posteroinferiorly and strong anterosuperiorly.

D) All of the above.


  1. The specialized structure formed by the hip joint capsule at the neck of the femur?

A) Zona orbicularis

B) Zona radiata

C) Zona fasciculate

D) None of the above


  1. Which of the following is true regarding the capsule of the hip joint?

A) Femoral neck is intracapsular

B) Greater trochanter is extra capsular

C) Lesser trochanter is intracapsular

D) Both A & B


  1. The fibers that are seen deep in the hip joint capsule function to transmit blood supply to the femoral head and neck.

A) Reticular fibers

B) Extrinsic Gbers

C) Longitudinal fibers

D) None of the above


  1. The value of the angle of torsion in females?

A) 15 degree

B) 18 degree

C) 12 degree

D) 19 degree


  1. Which of the following characteristics doesn't describe the iliofemoral ligament?

A) Strongest ligament

B) Y-shaped, with anterior and posterior portions

C) Limits extension and abduction

D) Limits extension and internal rotation



Best book for preparation for the MPT entrance exam 

MCQs for Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) Entrance Exam" by Suraj Kumar.

  1. The area in the femoral neck where the trabecular system is absent?

A) Zone of apposition

B) Zone of compliance

C) Zone of weakness

D) None of the above


  1. The chief trabecular system that resists compressive stress is?

A) Medial compressive system

B) Lateral compressive system

C) Trochanteric system

D) Secondary compressive system


  1. What is the center-edge angle of the acetabulum?

A) Angle formed between two vertical lines through the head of the femur & line connecting the head to the margin of the acetabulum

B) Angle formed between two horizontal lines through the head of the femur & line connecting the head to the margin of the acetabulum

C) Angle formed between a vertical line through the head of the femur & line

connecting the head and neck

D) Angle formed between two vertical lines through the head of the femur & line connecting the head to the center of the acetabulum


  1. Large bending moments in the neck of the femur are sustained by what?

A) Articular cartilage

B) Ligaments

C) Joint capsule

D) Trabecular bone


  1. The stability of the hip joint is provided by:

A) Bony surfaces

B) Muscles that surround the joint

C) Strong ligaments

D) Bony surfaces, strong ligaments, and muscles that surround the hip joint


  1. Identify the correct orientation of the acetabulum.

A) Anterverted 20 degrees and inferiorly oriented 0 degrees

B) Retroverted 32 degrees and inferiorly oriented 40 degrees

C) Anterverted 10 degrees and inferiorly oriented 20 degrees

D) Anterverted 40 degrees and inferiorly oriented 35 degrees


  1. The condition in which the acetabulum is abnormally shallow results in a lack of coverage of the femoral head.

A) Acetabular anteversion

B) Acetabular dysplasia

C) Coxa profunda

D) Acetabular Protrusio


  1. Identify the position in which capsuloligamentous tension is least in the hip joint.

A) Mid-range flexion, slight abduction, and mid-rotation

B) Mid-range extension, slight abduction, and mid-rotation

C) Mid-range flexion, slight adduction, and mid-rotation

D) Mid-range flexion, slight abduction, and lateral rotation


  1. Name the ligament also known as the Y ligament of Bigelow.

A) Iliolumbar ligament

B) Iliofemoral ligament

C) Pubofemoral ligament

D) Ischiofemoral ligament



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