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Writer's picture: PhysiogkPhysiogk

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Hi, welcome to all of physio's helping hand (physiogk) family in my new blog post that is about 1st-year Physiotherapy syllabus and books.


Bachelor of Physiotherapy(BPT) is a 4 Year undergraduate professional course. It is an allied health profession that helps people increase, maintain or restore their physical mobility, function, and strength.

Here we will discuss BPT Course-related details, topics to cover semester-wise or year wise, etc. by referring further. Have a look at the BPT Syllabus provided as per the semesters or year and be familiar with the topics to cover.

Apart from regular subjects, you will have practical subjects too as a part of the curriculum, so we will also suggest some best books for practical use.

At the end of this blog some 'TO The Point' suggestions, so must read that.

SYLLABUS- Subject that we have to read in 1st year - Medical subject and Departmental subject

1.Medical subject-

  • Anatomy

  • Physiology and

  • Biochemistry

  • In some universities, sociology and psychology are also included in 1st years

2.Departmental subject-

  • Electrotherapy and

  • Exercise Therapy

You can refer my previous Blog for downloading suggested book

1. Medical Subject

I. Anatomy

For BPT BD chaurasia and AK Dutta is a good book for theory except these, there are many books such as gray’s anatomy, Vishram Singh's textbook of anatomy, etc. these are also good but during my 1st years, I studied BDC and ak Jain.

👉You should also read the surface anatomy book it helps in the palpation of muscle and clinical examination.

👉 Surface anatomy books-

You may ask your faculty or seniors.

II. Physiology- In physiology you have to study theory and particles.

iii. Biochemistry-

There is no practical part in it. For theory, the Textbook of biochemistry for dental students by DM Vasudevan is enough. If you want to read in detail you can use DM Vasudevan biochemistry for medical students and biochemistry by U. Satyanarayana.

2. Departmental subject

i. Electrotherapy-

You will not find all topics well explained in one book, so you have to take references from multiple books.

For basics, you must read BK Nanda's electrotherapy book and Jagmohan Singh's textbook of electrotherapy. You can take references from standard books such as Camron Electrotherapy, Clayton Electrotherapy, Electrotherapy Explained Principles And Practice By Low and Reed, and many books available.

But for 1st years, BK Nand and Jagmohan are enough, and it's the best book for the exam point.

ii. Exercise therapy-

The Principles of Exercise Therapy by M. Dena Gardiner, Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises by Laxmi Narayan, and Exercise Therapy principles and practice by Roshan Lal Meena are good for basic knowledge of exercise therapy

The following books are related to different topics that are not included in the above books


You should study 1st year properly, because it is basic and build your base strong for your whole BPT course.

You must focus on anatomy. It will help you approximately from 1st year to final year in all subjects such as electrotherapy, exercise therapy, and biomechanics. And yes don’t forget departmental subjects, it is your lifeline, so focus on them from 1st year.

If our blog helps you, please like and share it with your friends and give your feedback in the comment section so we can improve physio's helping hand group.

What's in my next blog -

In my future blog, I will discuss important chapters, topics and YouTube channels related to it. From my point of view, which topic should you focus on?

The blog will come subject-wise means for anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, Electrotherapy, and exercise therapy for each subject separate blogs will come.

Thank you

PHYSIO'S HELPING HAND(रहे हमेशा आपके संग)


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