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Physiology important questions for bpt 1st year | physiology bpt previous year question

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Are you worried about your university exam, important questions ask in physiology exam and about pattern of questions then you are at the right place. Today we will clear all these doubts.

physiology previous year question | important question in physiology for bpt
Important Question in Physiology

Hi, welcome to all physio's helping hand family members in my new blog that is about important questions of physiology for medical students and bpt previous year questions of physiology.

Important questions in physiology for bpt

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In this blog, we are trying to list all important questions of physiology. Whatever questions have been asked in the wbuhs exam of bpt.

Important question of Nervous system

Long type question of Nervous system

  1. Define reflex. Describe the reflex arc with a diagram. Discuss the classification.

  2. Describe the origin, course and termination of the Pyramidal tract with diagram.

  3. Describe the neural pathway of pain sensation. Writes down briefly about Central pain inhibiting mechanism.

  4. Write the origin course and termination of corticospinal pathway. what is Babinski's sign?

  5. With the help of a diagram trace the pathway of lateral spinothalamic tract from its origin to the termination. What is referred pain?

  6. With the help of a diagram trace the pathway of corticospinal tract from origin to the termination. Mention its functions.

  7. State the functional division of the cerebellum. What are the functions of cerebellum? List the features of the cerebral lesion.

  8. Describe the connection and function of basal ganglia

  9. Define stretch reflex. What are the components of its reflex arc? What is the role of gamma- motor neuronie on stretch reflex?

Short type question of Nervous system

  1. Function of Basal ganglia.

  2. Synapse.

  3. Neuroglia.

  4. Synaptic inhibition.

  5. Motor unit.

  6. Parkinson disease

  7. Conditioned reflex

  8. Fast and slow pain.

  9. Wallerian degeneration.

  10. Tetanus and clonus.

  11. Chronaxic and Rheobase.

  12. Write the function of the following: -

    • Cerebellum.

    • Basal ganglia

    • Hypothalamus

    • Thalamus

    • Cerebrum

Important question of Special senses

Long type question of special senses:-

  1. Draw a diagram of the eye and label its different parts. What do you mean by colour blindness? State function of rods and cones.

  2. Describe the visual pathway with a suitable diagram. Describe the effects of lesions at various levels of this path.

  3. What are taste buds? Trace the pathway of taste sensation. Elucidate the primary taste sensation.

  4. What is a light reflex? With the help of a diagram, trace the pathway of the light reflex. What is Argyll-Robertson's pupil?

  5. Describe a taste bud. Trace the pathway of taste sensation. Enumerate the primary test sensation.

Short type question from special senses:-

  1. Test sensation.

  2. Visual pathway

  3. Presbyopia

An important question of Blood

Long type question of Blood:-

  1. What is plasma protein? Name the plasma protein with their percentage and site of origin. Describe the function of plasma protein.

  2. Describe the Intrinsic and Extrinsic pathways of Blood coagulation. What is ESR?

  3. What are the hazards of blood transmission? What is RH incompatibility

  4. Describe the stages of erythropoiesis and the factors influencing erythropoiesis.

  5. Describe the stages of erythropoiesis What is the fate of RBC?

Short type question of blood:-

  1. Function of plasma protein

  2. Function of WBC

  3. Anemia

  4. Erythroblastosis fetalis

  5. T-lymphocyte.

  6. What is purpura?

  7. Hazard of mismatched blood transfusion

  8. Polycythemia.

  9. Blood Group.

Important question of Endocrinology:-

  1. Enumerate the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. Discuss the function of growth hormones. What is exophthalmic goiter (Graves' disease).

  2. Enumerate the hormone of the pancreas. What are the functions of insulin? What is diabetes mellitus

  3. Mention the feature of acromegaly

  4. Addison's disease

  5. State the function of cortisol. What do you mean by emergency hormone?

  6. Enumerate the hormones of adrenal gland. Discuss the physiological effect of glucocorticoid. Mention the feature of Cushing's syndrome.

An important question of Cardiovascular System

  1. Define cardiac output. Describes one method of measurement of cardiac output. Describe the factor regulating cardiac output.

  2. Enumerate the properties of cardiac muscles. Describe the ionic basics of a pacemaker potential with a suitable diagram.

  3. Effect of moderate exercise on CVS.

  4. What is cardiac output? Describes the factor controlling it. What is ejection factor?

  5. Mention the cardiorespiratory changes that occur during exercise and what are the effects of training.

  6. With the help of a diagram, describe the cardiac cycle. What is the cardiac index?

  7. Define blood pressure and discuss the short-term regulation of BP. What is hypertension?

  8. Describe the factor controlling arterial blood pressure. What is the ejection factor? What do you mean by secondary hypertension?

  9. Heart sound

An important question of Respiratory System

  1. What is Hypoxia? Describe the types, causes and effects of Hypoxia.

  2. Describe the mechanism of regulation of respiration. Add a note on Cheyne stokes breathing.

  3. Vital Capacity.

  4. Chloride Shift

  5. Oxygen Debt.

  6. Hypoxic hypoxia.

  7. Types of hypoxia.

  8. Cyanosis.

An important question of Muscle Physiology

Long type question of Muscle Physiology:-

  1. Describe the neuromuscular in skeletal muscles and mechanism of transmission through it.

  2. Mechanism of contraction of skeletal muscles. Write briefly on isometric and isotonic contraction.

  3. Difference between skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. Difference

Short type question in Muscle Physiology:-

  1. Excitation contraction coupling.

  2. Biphasic action potential.

  3. Resting membrane potential

  4. Sarcotubular system

  5. Denervation

  6. Action potential

An important question in Renal Physiology

Long type question of Renal Physiology:-

  1. What are the different stages of urine formation? Explain the role of glomerulus of nephron in the formation of urine.

  2. What is countercurrent mechanism? Describe the anatomical and physiological basis of countercurrent mechanism in kidney.

  3. Describe the process of urine formation.

  4. Explain the regulation of acid-base balance. Add a note on disturbances of acid-base balance.

Short type question in Renal Physiology:-

  1. Juxtaglomerular apparatus.

  2. Glomerular filtration rate.

  3. Mituration reflex.

  4. Tubular reabsorbation.


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